Manu's Healing Massage
90min ¥22,000
5% additional for credit card payment.
お客様の心と体の状態に合わせた特別なカスタムマッサージです。アーユル ヴェーダオイルを使用し、症状に合 うマッサージで自然治癒力・血流、リンパの 沢な時間をご体験ください。 流れを改善。デトックス効果と全身のエネルギーの流れを整えます。90 分の贅沢な時間をご体験ください。
Full body oil Massage that is comprised with customized steps of different massage techniques suitable to your muscular condition. Healing is a process where your body and minds heals itself; my role is to provide therapeutic atmosphere.
My healing massage begins with short counseling to assess your physical need. Massage begins with Foot reflexology, working on thigh muscles, Shin, hamstring and outer hip area. Enough time is spent on neck and shoulder, around spinal cord and lower back. Massage ends with head and face massage with hand reflexology. There is highly chances that I will advice couple of Yoga poses that is suitable for your physical and psychic constitution
Sweet frangrance of Ayurveda Oil and classical instrumental music add on healing atmosphere to conceive total relaxation, de-stress and detox. Highly appreciated and recommended by 100s of clients.
Release fatigue, stress and muscular tension
Improve blood circulation and activates lymphatic drainage
Assist in elimination of toxins
Strengthen the immune system
Enable a deep state of relaxation and well being
Highly recommended spamassage