Ayurveda Oil Massage
45Min ¥12,000 60 Min ¥14,000 90min ¥20,000
Additional 5% for credit card payment.
アーユルヴェーダはインド古来より伝わるハーブオイルを用いた全身マッサージで す。心地よい香りに包まれ、深いリラクゼーションと共に体の奥深くにある凝りや 痛みを和らげ、全身の活性化を促します。
Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Holistic oil massage) is great for stress, pain relief, and eliminating toxins.
Ayurveda encompasses the principles of chakras and energy centres in the body. As such these
treatments are designed to release blockages in the flow of energy within and around us. In India it is used as a form of preventative medicine to maintain health and also as part of a
Panchakarma (detoxification and rejuvenation) programme to restore health.
Traditionally, abhyanga massage is performed in the morning, to clarify the mind and stimulate
the client for the day. The client lies on massage table, and the massage therapist pours specially formulated Ayurveda oil over his or her body. Blend of Olive, Sunflower, Sesame and coconut oils are
commonly used, along with an assortment of herbs. The oil is allowed to soak in before the
massage therapist begins, using rhythmic, gentle strokes with the whole palm.
An Abhyanga massage can last up to 60Min. to 90 Min. After the massage is over, the client is
encouraged relax for sometime. A regular routine of Abhyanga massage can be very beneficial for the skin. It's very popular spamassage in India.
Nourishes mind and body
Rejuvenates the whole body
Increases longevity
Delays aging
Relives fatigue
Builds stamina
Promotes deeper sleep
Enhances complexion and luster of skin.
Cleans your body (detoxify)
Helps you avoid stress and enjoy a brightness of the senses (Balance body, mind and soul.)
Prevents stiffness of muscles
Corrects digestion and blood pressure and enjoy better sleep
Mind (Avoid bad thoughts and feel happy)